Sunday, December 2, 2007

feminst spoken word

I wanted to post these because I think they are really well done
and really entertaining. Please watch & feel free to comment.


Crystal Allen said...

I am very upset that most men are afraid to call themselves feminists. I'm not sure if they think it will make them less masculine or something. I think it is silly. I also hate that it takes something happening to you or your family in order to become upset about it. almost as if rape doesn't exist unless it happens to your mother, sister, brother, you...

thanks for posting this. i really appreciate it

Anonymous said...

who is the woman talking in the second video?

Anonymous said...

oh durrr, her name is at the beginning of the video.

a_rogue_01 said...

Cool videos. The comments on youtube about them are downright depressing. It's frustrating how many people are completely misinformed about the point of feminism.

Anonymous said...

i agree with both crystal and vivian. It seems people are really ignorant about feminism. They don't understand and don't want to understand it. And nothing bothers me more than anti-feminist women.

Crystal Allen said...

yeah, what's the deal with anti-feminist women? Don't they want equal pay and rights?

Anonymous said...

theres a video on youtube where a woman identifies a feminist as someone who is for "women's rights" but she says she would not call herself a feminist.

I do not get that either!

UGH makes me angry.

Crystal Allen said...

I'm in school for Social Work, you would be so amazed at how many women in my program feel that they are not about empowering women and only see feminists as crazy men hating, shaved head, lesbians. It's nuts!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog and saw these so I decided to share some spoken word artists that I have found inspiring.